Over the summer, members of the Holbeck Neighbourhood plan and planning aid volunteers consulted the public through the form of a Questionnaire.
We talked about six issues which were important to you including: History and Heritage Housing Traffic and Transport Environment and Green Spaces Local Community Facilities Business and Employment We visited a variety of local groups which covered a spectrum of ages. We managed to capture your thoughts, and hopefully gained a true reflection of the community's needs. At St. Matthews - Messy Play (parent and toddler group) Holbeck Eldery Aid's HEA'rt cafe Ingram Gardens - The Ciaran Bingham Foundation Dementia Cafe at Ingram Gardens Holbeck Working Mens Club Ingram Road Primary School Outside the Spotted Cow Inn (in Slung Low's) Airstream Caravan. Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation. For more information on the process of when the plan will actually become a public policy document. Please have see The Plan. The next meeting of the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum will take place on Saturday 27th September in St Matthews Community Centre. The meeting is due to commence at 11am starting with refreshments.
Hope you can come along and safe your views Planning Aid volunteers and helpers from the plan; Eve, Graciela, Tony and Jo braved the rain at Holbeck gala on Saturday 19th July 2014. Next meeting is Saturday 28th June 2014. From 11am for refreshments, meeting starts at 11:30am
The meeting is being held at Holbeck Working Men’s Club. We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you there.
The Board of Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum held its first meeting at the end of April. This followed elections to the Board that were held at our first Annual General Meeting in March. The Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum will be developing the Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan, which will be a document guiding development in Holbeck and put together by the people of Holbeck. At the AGM, there were lots of people representing Holbeck seeking to be elected to the Board, this included residents, businesses, housing organisations, volunteering and community groups. A vote was held and 7 residents and 5 organisations were voted on to take forward the plan. The March meeting of the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum also heard the very welcome news that the Forum had been officially designated by Leeds City Council as the designated organisation to put together the Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan.
The first meeting of the Board had a great turn out with 10 out of the 12 elected Board members attending. There was a lot of formal stuff to get through such as agreeing our Officers; these are Chair: Dennis Kitchen; Treasurer: Anne Hopper; Secretary: Lucy Potter. We were then given a full breakdown of the steps to get the Neighbourhood Plan in place by Mike Dando from Planning Aid England. Due to the various formalities it has taken a while for the Board to come into fruition, but that's not to say a lot hasn't been done already. The Content of Plan task group has been developing the Plan based on residents’ comments and the Community Projects task group has run various events for local residents, and the Publicity group has promoted the Forum and the Plan with newsletters and a website. Some of the people on the task groups are also on the Board and we are all excited about the improvements that are appearing already in Holbeck. Now the Board is formalised we look forward to putting the Plan in place and seeking more views from the public at the Holbeck Gala which is being held on Saturday 19th July. We look forward to seeing you at Holbeck Gala. Lucy Potter There will be information about why Health for All are considering changing part or all of the outdoor space into a community garden, as well as some example designs and scenarios.
At this stage Health for All just want to know whether you think the garden sounds like a good idea, rather than what you think of any particular design. This is because if it goes ahead, the final design will be up to local residents, who will have plenty of opportunity to get stuck in with the actual building of the garden. If you fancy making huge mosaics or beautiful artwork, now is your chance. Or how about building benches, sheds, or raised beds? No experience necessary as there will be a team of people who can help you. So there you have it. You can read our earlier article here (http://www.southleedslife.com/edible-community-garden-holbeck/ ), and fill in our online survey here (http://tinyurl.com/qzkgqsm ). For more information you can email [email protected] Check us out on Facebook – Holbeck Community Garden Consultation (https://www.facebook.com/HolbeckCommunityGardenConsultation) , and spread the word! Theres also an article in South Leeds Life Stephanie Robinson The Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan was definitely on the government’s radar this week following a visit by Steve Williams, the Under Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government. He came to find out from local residents their experience of Neighbourhood Planning in an Inner City area. Residents and members of the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum told him why they had been motivated to embark on a Neighbourhood Plan, describing some of the challenges the area faces but with an overwhelmingly positive viewpoint of wanting to preserve and enhance their heritage, architecture and greenspace enabling it to meet the needs of the local community and remain uniquely Holbeck. The Under Secretary was then given a whistle stop tour of some of Holbeck’s landmarks such as the viaduct, the back to backs and Holbeck mills. The Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum who will be taking forward the Neighbourhood Plan hold their first AGM on Saturday 29th March where a board will be elected to further progress the Plan. Ellie Rogers Neighbourhood Improvement Officer Citizens & Communities Leeds City Council |
July 2017